Kural 419

குறள் 419
நுணங்கிய கேள்விய ரல்லார் வணங்கிய
வாயின ராதல் அரிது.

Stanza 419
Ears strange to refinement
Seldom go with modest mouths.

It is a rare thing to find modesty of speech, with those who have not received choice instruction.

Nunangiya Kelviya Rallaar Vanangiya
Vaayina Raadhal Aridhu.


Kural 420

குறள் 420
செவியிற் சுவையுணரா வாயுணர்வின் மாக்கள்
அவியினும் வாழினும் என்?

Stanza 420
What matters if they live or die
Whose taste is in their tongues not ears?

What does it matter whether those men live or die, who can judge of tastes by the mouth, and not by the ear?

Seviyir Suvaiyunaraa Vaayunarvin Maakkal
Aviyinum Vaazhinum En?

Kural 396

குறள் 396

தொட்டனைத் தூறும் மணற்கேணி மாந்தர்க்குக்
கற்றனைத் தூறும் அறிவு.

Stanza 396

Well dug in sand yields water as dig-
So learning wisdom.


Water will flow froma well in the sand in proportion to the depth to which it is dug, and knowledge will flow from a man in proportion to his learning.


Kural 397

குறள் 397

யாதானும் நாடாமால் ஊராமால் என்னொருவன்
சாந்துணையுங் கல்லாத வாறு.

Stanza 397

Why does one stop learning till he dies
When t makes all lands and places his?


How is it that anyone can remain without learning, even until his death, when (to the learned man) every country is his own (country), and every town his own (town)?

Kural 398

குறள் 398

ஒருமைக்கண் தான்கற்ற கல்வி ஒருவற்கு
எழுமையும் ஏமாப் புடைத்து.

Stanza 398

The learning acquired in one birth
Helps a man in seven.

A learning which a man has acquired in one birth will yield him pleasure during seven births.


Kural 399

குறள் 399

தாமின் புறுவது உலகின் புறக்கண்டு
காமுறுவர் கற்றறிந் தார்.

Stanza 399

That what delights him delights others
Delights a scholar.


The learned will long (for more learning), when they see that while it gives pleasure to themselves, the world also derives pleasure from it.

Kural 400

குறள் 400

கேடில் விழுச்செல்வம் கல்வி யொருவற்கு
மாடல்ல மற்றை யவை.

Stanza 400

The wealth which never declines
Is not riches but learning.


Learning is the true imperishable riches; all other things are not riches.

Kural 381

குறள் 381

படைகுடி கூழ்அமைச்சு நட்பரண் ஆறும்
உடையான் அரசருள் ஏறு.

Stanza 381

Who has these six is a lion among kings;
An army, subjects, food, ministers, allies and forts.


He who posses these six things, an army, a people, wealth, ministers, friends and a fortness, is a lion among kings.


Kural 382

குறள் 382

அஞ்சாமை ஈகை அறிவூக்கம் இந்நான்கும்
எஞ்சாமை வேந்தர்க் கியல்பு.

Stanza 382

These four unfailing mark a king:
Courage, liberality, wisdom and energy.


Never to fail in this four things, fearlessness, liberality, wisdom and energy, this is the kingly character.