Kural 414

குறள் 414
கற்றில னாயினுங் கேட்க அஃதொருவற்கு
ஒற்கத்தின் ஊற்றாந் துணை.

Stanza 414
Though unlettered, listen; you will find this
A grear help in distress.

Although a man be without learning, let him listen (to the teaching of the learned); that will be to him a staff in adversity.

Katrila Naayinung Ketka Aqdhoruvarku
Orkaththin Ootraan Thunai,


Kural 415

குறள் 415
இழுக்கல் உடையுழி ஊற்றுக்கோல் அற்றே
ஒழுக்க முடையார்வாய்ச் சொல்.

Stanza 415
The counsel of the just
Is like a staff on slippery land.

The words of the good are like a staff in slippery place.

Izhukkal Utaiyuzhi Ootrukkol Atre
Ozhukka Mutaiyaarvaaich Chol.


Kural 416

குறள் 416
எனைத்தானும் நல்லவை கேட்க அனைத்தானும்
ஆன்ற பெருமை தரும்.

Stanza 416
Listen to the good however little
And gain that much.

Let a man listen, never so little to good instructions; even that will bring him great dignity.

Enaiththaanum Nallavai Ketka Anaiththaanum
Aandra Perumai Tharum.


Kural 417

குறள் 417
பிழைத் துணர்ந்தும் பேதைமை சொல்லா ரிழைத்துணர்ந்
தீண்டிய கேள்வி யவர்.

Stanza 417
Those who have sought and heard much
Will not talk nonsense even by mistake.

Not even when they have imperfectly understood (a matter), will those men speak foolishly, who have profoundly studied and diligently listened (to instruction).

Pizhaith Thunarndhum Pedhaimai Sollaa Rizhaiththunarn
Theentiya Kelvi Yavar.


Kural 418

குறள் 418
கேட்பினுங் கேளாத் தகையவே கேள்வியால்
தோட்கப் படாத செவி.

Stanza 418
The ear shut to learning
Though open is deaf.

The ear-which has not been bored by instruction, althouth it hears, is deaf.

Ketpinung Kelaath Thakaiyave Kelviyaal
Thotkap Pataadha Sevi.


Kural 419

குறள் 419
நுணங்கிய கேள்விய ரல்லார் வணங்கிய
வாயின ராதல் அரிது.

Stanza 419
Ears strange to refinement
Seldom go with modest mouths.

It is a rare thing to find modesty of speech, with those who have not received choice instruction.

Nunangiya Kelviya Rallaar Vanangiya
Vaayina Raadhal Aridhu.