குறள் 340
புக்கில் அமைந்தின்று கொல்லோ உடம்பினுள்
துச்சில் இருந்த உயிர்க்கு.
Stanza 340
Can life never have a house of its own
Cribbed ever in its cabbin?
It seems as if the soul, which takes shelter in a body, had not attained a home.
குறள் 340
புக்கில் அமைந்தின்று கொல்லோ உடம்பினுள்
துச்சில் இருந்த உயிர்க்கு.
Stanza 340
Can life never have a house of its own
Cribbed ever in its cabbin?
It seems as if the soul, which takes shelter in a body, had not attained a home.