Kural 311

குறள் 311

சிறப்பீனும் செல்வம் பெறினும் பிறர்க்கு இன்னா
செய்யாமை மாசற்றார் கோள்.

Stanza 311

The pure in heart will never hurt others
Even for wealth and renown.


It is the determination of the spotless not to give sorrow to others although they could obtain (by it) the wealth, which confers greatness.

Kural 340

குறள் 340

புக்கில் அமைந்தின்று கொல்லோ உடம்பினுள்
துச்சில் இருந்த உயிர்க்கு.

Stanza 340

Can life never have a house of its own
Cribbed ever in its cabbin?


It seems as if the soul, which takes shelter in a body, had not attained a home.

Kural 312


குறள் 312

கறுத்துஇன்னா செய்தவக் கண்ணும் மறுத்தின்னா
செய்யாமை மாசற்றார் கோள்.

Stanza 312

The code of the pure in heart
Is not to return hurt for angry hurt.


It is the determination of the spotless not to do evil in return even to those who have been at enmity with and done evil to them.

Kural 313

 குறள் 313

செய்யாமல் செற்றார்க்கும் இன்னாத செய்தபின்
உய்யா விழுமந் தரும்.

Stanza 313

Vengeance even against a wanton insult

Does endless damage.


If a man inflicts suffering even on those who hate him, without having been injured by him; it will afterwards give him irremovable sorrow.

Kural 321

குறள் 321

அறவினை யாதெனின் கொல்லாமை கோறல்
பிறவினை எல்லாந் தரும்.

Stanza 321

The sum of virtue is not to kill
All sin comes from killing.


It is asked, what is the sum of all virtuous conduct? It is, never to destroy life. On the contrary (The destruction of life) leads to every evil dead.

Kural 314

குறள் 314

இன்னாசெய் தாரை ஒறுத்தல் அவர்நாண
நன்னயஞ் செய்து விடல்.

Stanza 314

Punish an evil – doer by  shaming him
With a good deed, and forget.


The (proper) punishment of those who have done evil (to you), is to put them to shame by showing great kindness to them.

Kural 322

குறள் 322

பகுத்துண்டு பல்லுயிர் ஓம்புதல் நூலோர்
தொகுத்தவற்றுள் எல்லாந் தலை.

Stanza 322

The first of virtues in every creed
Is to share your food and cherish all life.


The chief of all (the virtues) which authors have summed up, is to eat of food that has been shared with others, and to preserve the manifold life of other creatures.