Kural 397

குறள் 397

யாதானும் நாடாமால் ஊராமால் என்னொருவன்
சாந்துணையுங் கல்லாத வாறு.

Stanza 397

Why does one stop learning till he dies
When t makes all lands and places his?


How is it that anyone can remain without learning, even until his death, when (to the learned man) every country is his own (country), and every town his own (town)?

Kural 398

குறள் 398

ஒருமைக்கண் தான்கற்ற கல்வி ஒருவற்கு
எழுமையும் ஏமாப் புடைத்து.

Stanza 398

The learning acquired in one birth
Helps a man in seven.

A learning which a man has acquired in one birth will yield him pleasure during seven births.