Kural 405

குறள் 405
கல்லா ஒருவன் தகைமை தலைப்பெய்து
சொல்லாடச் சோர்வு படும்.

Stanza 405
A fool’s assurance collapses
When enganged in a discussion.

The self-conceit of unlearned an will fade away as soon as he s[eaks in an assembly (of the learned).

Kallaa Oruvan Thakaimai Thalaippeydhu
Sollaatach Chorvu Patum.

Kural 455

குறள் 455
மனந்தூய்மை செய்வினை தூய்மை இரண்டும்
இனந்தூய்மை தூவா வரும்.

Stanza 455
The pure thought and the pure deed
Come from pure company.

Chaste company is the staff on which come these two things, purity of mind and purity of conduct.

Manandhooimai Seyvinai Thooimai Irantum
Inandhooimai Thoovaa Varum

Kural 406

குறள் 406
உளரென்னும் மாத்திரையர் அல்லால் பயவாக்
களரனையர் கல்லா தவர்.

Stanza 406
The ignorant are like saline soil:
They are there, but useless.

The unlearned are like barren land; all that can be said of them is that they exist.

Ularennum Maaththiraiyar Allaal Payavaak
Kalaranaiyar Kallaa Thavar

Kural 456

குறள் 456
மனந்தூயார்க் கெச்சம்நன் றாகும் இனந்தூயார்க்கு
இல்லைநன் றாகா வினை.

Stanza 456
The pure-hearted will leave a pure progeny
And bad deeds never spring from good fellowship.

To the pure-minded there will be a good posterity; by those who associates are pure, no deeds will be done that are not good.

Manandhooyaark Kechchamnan Raakum Inandhooyaarkku
Illainan Raakaa Vinai

Kural 407

குறள் 407

Stanza 407
A handsome man with an untrained mind
Has the beauty of a mud-doll.

The beauty and goodness of one who is destitute of knowledge by the study of great and exquisite works, is like (the beauty and goodness of) painted earthen doll.

Nunmaan Nuzhaipulam Illaan Ezhilnalam
Manmaan Punaipaavai Yatru


Kural 408

குறள் 408

Stanza 408
The wealth of ignorant does more harm
Than the want of the learned.

Wealth gained by unlearned, will give more sorrow than the poverty which may come of on the learned.

Nallaarkan Patta Varumaiyin Innaadhe
Kallaarkan Patta Thiru


Kural 434

குறள் 434
குற்றமே காக்க பொருளாகக் குற்றமே
அற்றந் த்ரூஉம் பகை.

Stanza 434
Guard against error as youwoud guard wealth,
For error is a foe that kills.

Guard against faults as a matter (of great consequesnce); for faults are the deadly enemies.

Kutrame Kaakka Porulaakak Kutrame
Atran Tharooum Pakai.


Kural 435

குறள் 435
வருமுன்னர்க் காவாதான் வாழ்க்கை எரிமுன்னர்
வைத்தூறு போலக் கெடும்.

Stanza 435
A life that does not guard against faults
Is a heap of straw before fire?

The propesrity, of him who does timely guard against faults, will perish like straw before fire.

Varumunnark Kaavaadhaan Vaazhkkai Erimunnar
Vaiththooru Polak Ketum

Kural 436

குறள் 436
தன்குற்றம் நீக்கிப் பிறர்குற்றங் காண்கிற்பின்
என்குற்ற மாகும் இறைக்கு?

Stanza 436
How can a king be faulted who removes
His own fault before seeing that of others?

What fault will remain in the king, who as put away his own evils, and look after the evils or others?

Thankutram Neekkip Pirarkutrang Kaankirpin
Enkutra Maakum Iraikku?

Kural 409

குறள் 409
மேற்பிறந்தா ராயினும் கல்லாதார் கீழ்ப்பிறந்தும்
கற்றார் அனைத்திலர் பாடு.

Stanza 409
The ignorant however high-born is lower
Than the low born learned.

The unlearned, though born in a high caste, are not equal in dignity to the learned, though they may have been born in a low caste.

Merpirandhaa Raayinum Kallaadhaar Keezhppirandhum
Katraar Anaiththilar Paatu